Spectra - Selection by ||ALA|MEDA||
||ALA|MEDA|| is coming back with a sort of compilation of the tracks from their previous albums. Finely tuned to the presentation of their music on a vinyl released by Brutality Garden - it contains tracks from ''Spectra 01'' and ''Spectra 02''. Leaving their avant-rock roots they moved on to the African and Latin American version of syncopated architectural music structures. Mixing those with electronic flair of post-industrial, vapour wave, dub, gqom and everything else that comes along, they present a solid state of different influences and vibes. This vinyl is a great presentation of their skills and abilities which I am sure are even more impressive live. Their music presents some sort of compromise between highs and lows of musical cultures, and cultural influences. You can easily switch as a listener between treating this piece as somewhat sophisticated form of ethnic dance music. Or, the other way round - you can see it as a polyrhythmic form ...