Arszyn / Duda ŚĘ
Arszyn /Duda Lado ABC 2010
Both Krzysztof Topolski a.k.a. Arszyn and Tomasz Duda have quite established musical background in terms of different fields of the subject.
Duda is a graduate of State Primary School od Music in Dębica, the state Secondary School of Music in Rzeszów and Academy of Music in Cracow where he studied saxophone. Worked with such people as Bruno Chevillon, marek Chołoniewski, Tadeusz Sudnik, the legendary artist connected with Polish Radio Experimental Music Studio, Frederic Blondy, Tomasz Stańko, Rafał Mazur, Michał GÓrczyński, Ireneusz Socha, Tworzywo Sztuczne, Bassisters Orchestra, m.bunio.s, Fisz, Raphael Rogiński, Paweł Szambuski, Patryk Zakrocki, Kasia Nosowska, Smolik, Tomasz Gwinciński and Krzysztof Knittel. He is also a steady member of Baaba, Pink Freud, Saksofort, Mitch and Mitch, Tołhaje, Ania Dąbrowska band, Kasia Nosowska accompanying band.
Arszyn works rather in the field of electronics and electroacustic music, drummer, sound and media artists. Therefore his field of exploration is progressive percussive music, electronics and electroacoustic, free improvised music and even rock music. Works with sound installations. He is also a member of Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music.
Their mutual work reflects the effort they put in developing their career. Loads of free impro passages where themes change as the weather. Set in the acoustic environment with no apparent reason to change anything – recorded as it is gives a plentiful remainders to intuitive and spontaneous grain of sound and exploration. Arszyn’s percussion roams free and gives a very steady basis to Duda’s impro. There’s something rocky about it as the energy boils at times and the verses hold a chorusy accents to it.
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