CHSN004 Rez Epo / Annna "Gozlor Gozlor" C20 + CHSN003 Rez Epo / Dustin Ransom "Ground" + CHSN007 Sleep Sessions / Rez Epo "Sudden Momentary ...
CHSN007 Sleep Sessions / Rez Epo "Sudden Momentary Episodes of Being Pulled into an Unconscious State" C10
CHSN004 Rez Epo / Annna "Gozlor Gozlor" C20
CHSN003 Rez Epo / Dustin Ransom "Ground"
wow, what a swirl of releases and so much varied ones...!!!
CHSN003 Rez Epo's style changed a lot from the first release I remeber which was a harsh ones lo fi screez. Konrad changed his way a great deal by switching to non-input wizardry which embodied in his example shows that how much can be done without too much gear. DIY guerilla mingled with echoing of the mixer is a new way that should work out even further..go daddyo!
Dustin Ransom shows a dark ambient gem down here, really nicely put with Epo's stuff. And again it is something that wasn't the stuff he played before.
"Gozlor Gozlor" seems a very abstract piece to me - layers of white noise like a blind's man attack on the UFO spacecraft out in the woods of nonsense explodes with points of friction and agression. I have been watching Annna since quite a while and he makes quite astir in what he does. ...all the same he does great graphic work too, which is cool.
and the last but not the least Sleep Sessions with Epo makes a great deal of psychodelic hauntology/ It reminds me of////hypnagogies via SW radio waves eruptions of"""""''''""" and ><><><><><><><><><><><><> as //??// as /?/####&&&&&&&......................................................................................................
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