Wovoka "Trees against the sky"

Name of Wovoka rang a bell to me as when I was doing a research in the spiritual leaders of New Zealand native Maori Te Whiti O Rongomai I came across the name of Jack Wilson who was Northern Paiute leader of Ghost Dance movement.
When I learnt a bit further that Raphael Rogiński and Mewa Chabiera are in the line up of this project I thought there must be some really powered up energy of the music going on - especially with Raphael's klezmerian attitude and strong Mewa's voice and the rest of the line up which includes such luminaries as Hubert Zemler, Ola Rzepka, Michał Górczyński and Piotr Zabrodzki - to name just the ones I am familar with.
Ghost dance as it is and I didn't expect as much of tribalism in a clichee way as it might be with conscientious theme projects. Instead there is plenty of natural raw power of bluesy surf in a form of a song that never seems to grow silent just like a transposed voice of a wolf in a desert with its elusiveness and hidden multi-layered symbolism which might include anything from the reminescenses of beat literature to mystical exempts of Herman Hesse, the very dignified core of the psychodelic hippie wave and most of all raw power of blues and power of chord.
I really admire the sense of mutual understanding between the musicians and how they operate in the formula they embellished and worked out as their own style. It's so easy to fall into a clichee in a world of guitar work especially when you see how much of the studio work is actually not corespondent with the actual live act.
Musicians are virtuosos in their own respects but withut exaggerating in any way which builds up a solid base for literally anything that can happen - although the compositions are songs - there is so much about the free range space which can be left for steady and very observant way of improvising between the musicians - if not on the actual recording - you can definitely feel it on live shows.
Very refreshing listening and a nice break from my usual experimental bit. I will be definitely looking forward to their next release as well as looking for the records with the people included in the line up.


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