ROXANNE TURCOTTE Fenêtres intérieures CD empreintes DIGITALes IMED 14126

Conservatoire de musique de Montréal graduate Roxanne Turcotte served a high-quality gourmet dish I haven't expected from an academician. The usual stance of academically trained artists often resembles a well trained ego but nothing else. Luckily this is not the case.
First track with voice preapration and voice-over narratives gives a great atmosphere to something that could be well used in some derivative of ambient music but as such is much more interesting and no operating in clichees at all.
Field recordings, voice and preparations of acoustic instrumentts play the first seats in the cast here. It may sound trivial when you think of it but the ultimate feeling I got apart from the obvious interesting tonalities is the essence of the feminine spirit and mind expressed through this album - the gentility and the sound concept is just so striking and yet not overworked at all.


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