Harvest Of Despair by Kraft

Very few projects related to the neofolk genre really catch my attention these days as most of them are clichee ridden and infected with spasms of existentialism I cannot really take. I do appreciate the time, hard work and the talent that they involve but there is not much to look for when you are not signposting your originality and uniqueness as well as the fact that you push boundaries within or outside the genre.
Robert Hofman, an artist based in Rotterdam, whose project Kraft was circling around the neofolk genre took a mighty step with an actual incident when he got a jazz demo sent to him by friends. He tried to re-build it and re-arrange it which actually turned out to be the foundation of his first track on this album - highly energetic, beaty " The Dreadful hours".
Harvest of despair is a quite original album with lots of nostalgia in it which isn't faked but craftily built on samples, vocals of Ukrainian vocalist and musician Kate Orange, Varunna guitarist Dennis Lamb as well as Richard Leviathan,  who collaborated with Death in June and Ostara and Strength Through Joy.
What we get is a delightful calleidoscope of beats, melodies, ambience which you might label as close as Muslimgauze if it had more Eastern European touch to it but it still doesn't give the album its fair chance.
It's one of those side project which actually get better with time and actually sound much better than the original bands that the musicians come from.


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