
Showing posts from September, 2019

Divine Rascal: On the Trail of Michael Hollingshead, LSD’s Cosmic Courier by Andy Roberts

Rendering Unconscious - Psychonalytic Perspectives, Politics&Poetry - edited by Vanessa Sinclair

Carl Abrahamsson - Occulture. The Unseen Forces That Drive Culture Forward with a foreword by Gary Lachman published by Park Street Press

Wywiad z Marcinem Wawrzyńczakiem, autorem "Michelsbaude"

Michelsbaude - Historia nieistniejącej izerskiej gospody - zebrane przez Marcina Wawrzyńczaka przy współpracy Jowity Selewskiej i Ullricha Junkera - wydawnictwo Wielka Izera

CHRISTIAN WOLFF Preludes, Variations, Studies and Incidental Music performed by Philip Thomas

MAGNA PIA - Daiauna

PHILIPPE PETIT - Descent into the Maelstrom

ZEITKRATZER zeitkratzer performs songs from the albums Kraftwerk 2 and Kraftwerk LP Karlrecords KR069 CD Zeitkratzer Productions zkr0026