ZEITKRATZER zeitkratzer performs songs from the albums Kraftwerk 2 and Kraftwerk LP Karlrecords KR069 CD Zeitkratzer Productions zkr0026

They are the mighty institution of rephrasing the things we know. They are the swift machine of finding the idioms that are linked firmly to certain image and sometimes even grotesquely attached music genre and shredding it to bits.
And ... here we are again with Zeitkratzer re-inventing Kraftwerk - the milestone of techno music into the world of electroacustics. The phrasing brings somewhat interesting introduction and the relapse coming afterwards is quite thorough and filled with bounciness, pointilism of the rhythm and the overtones, the dynamics often based on the horn drives the listener through the tunnels of meditation.
It's an interesting take on the compositions from the two albums that Kraftwerk set a tone to electronic explorations - here in an electroacoustic context.
As always - worth listening, comparing, or simply dipping into.


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