MAGNA PIA - Daiauna

Derived from the linguistic exploration of the Greek "daimon" Magna Pia takes us to the core of the meaning - the murky soundscape with ambience of unnerving background.
The monolithic aspect of this work is somewhat impossible to assess as the music is very emotionally involving right from the first notes.
It plays on the Sumerian aspects of the word meaning - it explores things that in modern culture are somewhat extinct, absent, since the subject of linguistic magic is not conscious but funnily enough still used in different forms which are part of the occult aspect of society we live in - it is dormant but not to the point of being understood and known.
"Daiauna" speaks to me not only through the beauty of exploration and conondrum but foremostly through an elegant form which can be used in different aspects.
Worth listening and especially because the vinyl edition is a treasure

Bandcamp link


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