emiter: Five tracks from a single source


New album by Marcin Dymiter a.k.a. Emiter is released by Antenna Non Grata, an up and coming Polish label who itself releases quite an interesting array of artists. They revolve around electroacoustic and electronic aspects of improvised and composed music.

"Five tracks from a single source" is in many ways quite special release in their collection. Acute attention to detail and how Marcin managed to create a soundscape narrative using not many samples is quite astounding. It has a delicate feel to it, and it doesn't really has a sound typical for an academical peregrinations of a similar kind. I would put it closer to click n' cuts aesthetics. If it wasn't for the lack of rhythms it could easily pose as a progressive experimental post-techno...

A musical recycling, where source sounds where found almost by an accident led to somewhat interesting output. 

released September 30, 2022

Five tracks from a single source was composed, recorded, mixed between September 2021 - February 2022

Music, mastering & editing by emiter

Cover art by Magdalena Franczak

Graphic design by Ludomir Franczak

Marcin Dymiter moves in the field of electronic music, field recording and improvised music. He creates sound installations, radio plays, film music, theater performances, exhibitions and public spaces. He is the author of the Field Notes project, sound maps and music educational cycle Tracklist. Conducts sound workshops and an action that approximates the idea of field recording. He play in projects: emiter, niski szum, ZEMITER, TRYS SAULES, MAPA and other, ephemeral formations. As an independent curator he is associated with the festivals Control Room (Gdańsk), Wydźwięki / Resonances (Galeria El, Elbląg), mikro_makro (Słupsk, Flensburg). He is the originator and curator – together with Marcin Barski – of the Polish Soundscapes project, the first Polish exhibition presenting the phenomenon of field recording and a co-creator of the Institute of Soundscape (Instytut Pejzażu Dźwiękowego).

He collaborates with the visual artist Ludomir Franczak – earlier in the emiter_franczak audio-video performance project, and recently in the field of theater and performative activities (“Erft”, “Recovered”, “Life and Death of Janina Węgrzynowska”, “Atlas of Sounds”), being responsible for music and sound processing. He also works with visual artists: Joanna Rajkowska, Elżbieta Jabłońska, Anna Baumgart, Anna Witkowska, Risa Takita, Magdalena Franczak and Karola-Głusiec.

Music producer. Listener and participant of music and improvisation workshops in the country and abroad, among others led by Le Quan Ninh, Andrew Sharpley, John Butcher, Robin Minard and Wolfgang Fuchs. Scholarship holder of the University of Art in Berlin, finalist of the Netmage International Multimedia Festival in Bologna. Scholarship holder of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship and the Minister of Culture and National Heritage (2011), the Visegrad Foundation (2012). Member of the Polish Association of Electroacoustic Music. 



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