A Divine Comedy by Philippe Petit


Philippe Petit took up on a truly epic endeavour - both Dante Aligheri's Divine Comedy and Gustave Dore illustrations for this classic work have been an inspiration for his newest work beautifully released as a double cd by Portuguese label Crónica
based in Oporto, Portugal.
It is a long set of narrative pieces which Philippe has masterfully reorganised and put together by using different compositional techniques. Using all sorts of musical inputs such as electronics, prepared piano, some modular synths (?), spoken word he managed to tell the story of Divine Comedy in his own individual manner, as an experimental landscape of curiosities and details that highlight the dramatic narratives of this classical work. On the other hand - his own impressions from Gustave Dore's work put this album into a completely different orbit of something analytical - treating graphical work of the illustrator on an equal level with Dante's work.
Highly nuanced and complex work that has its own individual taste. And as in all Petit's work - it gets only more and more interesting track by track.

Born in Marseille, South of France, where he started Djing, animating radio shows and editing zines in 1983. In 1993 he started Pandemonium Rdz. and 41 records later, he needed to rejuvenate and started BiP_HOp Musique in 2000…
Since then he has been performing all over Europe, Russia, Poland, Canada, USA, Mexico, Australia & Asia and releasing on international labels such as Sub Rosa, Oscillations, Aagoo, Important, Southern UK, Glacial Movements, Monotype, Bölt, Alrealon Musique, Beta Lactam Ring, HomeNormal, HelloSquare, Public Eyesore, Utech, Rustblade, or Staubgold.
Relying on electricity/amplification, electronix to produce, manipulate, work on sound-material, constantly trying to explore various genres and make sure that each album differs from the previous one, trying to avoid routine and surprise listeners. Petit studied Electroacoustic music at the CNRR Conservatory of Marseille, specialising in multi-channelled diffusion (Acousmatic spatialisation) and Modular Synthesis championing the use of electricity to sustain a sound produced with a musical intent…
Other than that, he has worked with a dream-team of collaborators: Lydia Lunch, Murcof, The European Contemporary Orchestra (E.C.O.), Mark Cunningham (MARS), Cindytalk, Orkest De Ereprijs, Audrey Chen, Mia Zabelka, Iancu Dumitrescu's Hyperion Ensemble, Stephen O'Malley, Yannick Barman, PAS or Faust. He completed recordings with: Eugene Robinson (Oxbow), Edward Ka-Spel (Legendary Pink Dots), Simon Fisher Turner, Kumo, Scott McCloud (Girls Against Boys), Cosey Fanni Tutti (Throbbing Gristle), My Brightest Diamond, Sybarite, Foetus, Pantaleimon, Graham Lewis (Wire), Barry Adamson, Andy Diagram, Scanner, Machinefabriek, Mira Calix, Kammerflimmer Kollektief, Justin K. Broadrick, James Johnston (Gallon Drunk/Bad Seeds/Faust), ASVA, Jarboe, Jad Fair, Martin Dupont, Doug Lynner and many more…


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