Conscious Sedation by Janek Schaefer
Janek Schaefer(1970) born to Canadian and Polish parents is a British artist working across the subjects and different compositional strategies. He is also a visual artist and an instrument maker.
Since his first album, released in 1997 - he has always been quite elusive when it comes to placing him in a specific modal or a genre. And also since he is also working between the themes and subjects - it forces the listener to adapt and see his work in a specific context.
''Conscious sedation'' is a quite a personal album which is inspired by his experience of medical treatment that he had to undergo. It was, as he expressed it - metaphysical and eye-opening to the aspects of human existence that is set in a scientific background but also prompting questions of philosophical nature.
Nine tracks and nine basic sounds as far as the palette goes creates a minimalistic ambience that the listener can dip herself/himself in as a study of coincidence and chance, inevitability and pain, struggle and relief.
Squelchy and pleasant themes of each track are never overdone and well-suited for this sort of topic. They have a trademark of both masterful skills that Schaefer possesses as an artist but also conveys a human touch in terms of communicating problems that trouble us. He does it in a subtle way - ''less is more'' principle works here perfectly.
What is more the whole album is accompanied by a film that is available on his website.
I wish Janek plenty of good health and even more occasions to surprise us, listeners with something creatively interesting.
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