ANDY BACKHOUSE A Sonic Map of Dornoch CD/DL Focused Silence SONICMAP0001CD

Andy Backhouse who is a founder of Focused silence label as well as a solo artist and a member of Guerilla Dub system and a radio show presenter of The Parish news presents a montage or collage of field recorded sounds in Dornoch. A small seaside town in Scottish Highlands have been his intimate, personal constants - his childhood life spent with his father travelling.
 Andy used the source sounds to create a sonic map - layering the cake of this intricate kaleidoscope that sets the picture of his own understanding of rural idyll. While the residents may see it in a different way - he, himself travels inwards to see the truth of himself actively listening and hearing the pulse of awareness and understanding in his own,, private way.
Sound art created through empirical process rather than "professionalism" and as Andy recalls himself - Carl Gustav Jung's concept of Personal Completion play here a very important role.
A great soundtrack to discover through your own resonance with the spectrum of field recorded soundscape - delicate, intimate, full of natural wonders and happens to be a very relaxing voyage if you let yourself to be attentive.

Baffled Geography
Focused Silence


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