3 × hullo, hullo by Jeugdbrand


                                           Jeugdbrand © Dennis Tyfus).jpeg
                                                      Photo: Dennis Tyfus

From time to time it's great to remind yourself that an outburst of insane creative spirit lives on despite all the nonsense going on in the world and human delusions. It is impossible to stop it and there are people out there whose humble contribution to creating something extraordinary will live on as an inspiration. But it's done in such a down-to-earth and humoresque way that it instantly makes you feel at ease - you are dealing with people who don't treat themselves seriously at all and just get on with whatever the heck they are trying to convey. Such feelings are always present whenever some new releases from Chocolate Monk appear or something from Crank Sturgeon or many others.

And here we are with a new vinyl release by Jeugbrand. 

Difficult to classify but to say - that these guys are out there with what they do.

Four tracks of a big fluffy cloud with an absurd sense of humour silver lining. A nonchalant chants filled with pomposity and off beat synths are the background for Dennis Tyfus moaning, gurgling and quasi operatic and even bluesy vocal musings. 

Treated acoustic instruments and more electronics in the background, electronic loops with a breeze of field recordings and some incessant acoustic meddling. And in all that a pomposity of Denis' organ which add up to eerie and melancholic, religious-like atmosphere. 

It's a theatre of absurd: a bit chaotic and improvised but done with a sure hand of doom - it puts everything what you listen in perspective - not only if you are way to serious about yourself? But also what kind of contract did you sign up for in an existential sense? 

released February 28, 2025

Jeroen Stevens – Percussion, Melodica, Organ

Dennis Tyfus – Piano, Organ, Vocals, Tapes

Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson – Tapes

Gerard Herman – Loops

Mastering: Felix-Florian Tödtloff

Liner notes: Lieven Martens

Design: Jeroen Wylie

All artwork by Rose Wylie (Courtesy of David Zwirner and JARILAGER Gallery)

Front cover: Yellow Head VI, Solider Boy (2020) – Oil and collage on paper, 119 × 84 cm

Back cover: Hullo, Hullo, Following-on after the News (2017) – Biro, coloured pencil, oil and collage on paper, 21 × 29.8 cm

Labels: Korean Dancer, with Lime Green Skirt (details) (2017) – Biro, coloured pencil, pencil, marker and collage on paper, 21.8 × 30.2 cm

Recorded by Joris Caluwaerts at Studio Finster, Antwerp, from May 1, 2023 to May 1, 2024



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