Roman Bromboszcz: play at once by Antenna Non Grata


A DL album from Roman Broboszcz released by Antenna Non Grata is a super interesting project both on a musical and conceptual level. When I got to start to listen to it - my first thought was how little both experimental artists and freelance poets are actually doing to work together. And the other part is Miron Bialoszewski who was one of those significant poets to start working with the sound. 
Roman himself created a full-blown album with an excellent conceptual idea in mind: to work with parts of the speech: consonants and vowels which are repeated and used as a base material in his compositions. 
The distinction between those speech parts are the foundation of the album. It's a glitchy study, that is based in an academic spectrum but actually works pretty well as great electronic album  that has references to XXth century studio experiments with electronic music as well as something that is more recent.
Think of Terre Thaemelitz  meets Matmos but transported into the modal of Polish language with more experimental and bold approach.

From the artist himself:
If we take into consideration the language as a whole, we face with a question about elements it consists. We may speak about sentences, words, parts of speech. You can also go lower and look for letters, phonemes. On a certain assumption, language consists of vowels, of which there are a few, and consonants, of which there are much more. The fact of distinguishing between the basic parts of language became the basis for the creation of this album. The material consists of eight compositions. Part of them evokes the corresponding parts of speech relativized to the vowels and consonants in the titles. The titles contain specific vowels and consonants that are repeated in the songs. In addition, the name of the album is reflected in the track names. Roman Bromboszcz


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