Tom Benson - Visionary by TRAPARTbooks

Tom Benson was quite a special and seriously underrated photographer and an inventive artist which elevated the collage art to something higher and more elusively sophisticated.
"A pile of destiny" - his special mantra gave him a seal of a special bond with his mission where the mind has no boundaries and the explicitiness of the trip that is not necessarily geographical but certainly setting new goals.
In the memory of the ones who knew him - he was a man of his own. A person of conflicting trajectories, well-read from the early age, celebrating his fantasy like a child, elaboratively cultivating the process of composing his photographs. He was an outsider, even in early 1970's Gothenburg which was at the time a haven for leftists, artists and freaks.
His art is very metabolical and symbolical in a sense of the process and the outcome. He created his own theatre with luxury of having astounding actors. Carefully composed visions caped what he wanted to express.

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