Water Is Life by Lisa Cameron and Ernesto Diaz-Infante

A tale of momentarily lapse of unreasonable shifts - a new album by Lisa Cameron and Ernesto Diaz-Infante.
An improvised tale that has a very clear cultural and even ecological and political reference - a conflict between Standing Rock protesters and Energy Partners Pipeline. A tale and and a song lineput into 8 parts recorded (only) in 4 hours - improvised without overdubs giving you the raw version of mystical experience - the depth of the meditation on water - the source of energy and link between the human life and wider truth of the ecosystem.
The improvisation of Lisa and Ernesto has some sort of folk purity about it. Something elusive that is lost in the pathways of time - the music in its purest of forms - deeply meaningful but without anything pretentious and pompous in it.
A time closed in the time of deep listening experience - just like water - maleable and shapeless yet having the power to transform your understanding of what is it to be in touch with the most organic of the substances.
There is another aspect of it which is very melancholical and quite sad but revived in a sort of a memory amalgam that could help you to understand things as an long prolonged afterthought.
Something that haunts you deeply as a means to understand your private connection.
Rarely you can experience such an intimate touch of creativity and vision. 

bandcamp link


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