Tropical Gothic - Onibaba​/​Legong​+​Gods Of Bali by Mike Cooper

Another gem from Mike Cooper.
Starting off with crude field recording and moving on to pixelated echoes of gamelan polyrhythmic wizardry, Cooper is moulding the soft tissue of electronic sound into something that stretches far beyond the emptiness of the sound art intellectualism towards mystical journey, dwindling and dwindling into obscurity.
There is a part of this calleidoscopic landscape that moves you to the depth of the spirit world itself. Dancing with masks and shadows but not in a imaginary way but rather a way towards tresspassing what's known towards a mystery.
Mike is using lots of interesting means to accomplish all this - prepared guitar, crude electronics which hum and hiss but add an extra aunthenticity to the whole output which at the same time makes you think of the power of the cinema - B&W hues and tones of a distant dream.
I can't think of more beautiful soundtrack to a journey inside yourself.

Tropical Gothic on bandcamp
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