The Long Distance by Buck Curran


A very interesting album in Buck Curran's discography and probably the least expected, too. But in a very positive way.
Taking out on an inspiration from Werner Herzog's movies, and quite possibly Popol Vuh's soundtracks accompanying those as well as Ridley Scott's films, Buck takes on the grandiose endeavor on creating a singular-minded soundtrack to an imaginary movie or simply imaginative album full of hidden meanings, haunted themes and very personal references which makes it even more fulfilling in terms of something honest and true to the letter of his style and artistic ambitions. 
When I was first listening to it- it reminded me of actually a different film director and a different soundtrack - namely Peter Weir and Charles Wain's soundtrack for his movie "The Last Wave". Charles Wain's music based on synthesizer and didgeridoo played by David Gulipilil brought something truly metaphysical to the scene of the music I have been listening in the 1980's.

"The Long Distance" is on the pair of those experiences but Buck brings his tonal and harmonic ingenuity to the whole concept of this album.
Electronic synth drones embellished with harmonium and acoustic guitar show how larger his vision is and how it encompasses the closure in certain labels and genres. Curran who is an aware and mature artists brings the best of his knowledge, musical abilities and the awareness of how you set up the dramatism in music to make it a soundtrack form.
It is beautifully mastered which in this musical panorama is very important since this work is full of nuances and not the typical Curran's work, too.
But the whole album is extraordinary in terms of form and function. I hope Buck will go astray the way he did here more often.

Dedicated to Werner Herzog, Ridley Scott, Jim and Pat Curran, Jim and Linda King, Lucia Curran, Florence and Kenneth Carroll Curran, Walt Major Ron Deschaine and Normand Deschaine.

Catalog: Eiderdown Records /OR 014
released September 29, 2023

Buck Curran - Analog Synthesizer, Harmonium, Acoustic Guitar
Mastered by Harris Newman
Image of 'The Twin Jet Nebula' courtesy of NASA


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