ōg- by Amanda Irarrázabal + Marco Albert


Another great release from Public Eyesore - this time a collaboration between Amanda Irarrázabal and Marco Albert. 
How to approach this one? What to expect?
On one level - it is a great example of free improvised music - great skill with instruments and voice as well. Both Marco and Amanda do it exceptionally well, with dramatism, great attention to detail and accentuation of certain parts all the aspects blending together - there is no unnecessary sound here.
On another level - the album is a perfect blend of electroacoustics and electronics - both of them use electronics to this or other extent but they work with voice and in case of Amanda - it is a double bass which itself is a great feat. 
Next level is a a dreamy absurdist narrative that the whole album has a foundation in. Frenetic and dramatic at times - it feels more than just an improvised piece - it could easily be a Tom Robbins novel soundtrack. With a constant flutter and more quiet moments of instrumental debris, their voices add up a humoresque emphasis that is difficult not to notice.
Definitely one of finest improvised adventures in a little while. And a refined one, too...

released December 27, 2024

Amanda Irarrázabal: double bass,
processing, voice and modular

Marco Albert: voice, feedback,
loops, processing

Recorded and mastered by Luís
“Chino” Ortega at Sismo Studio,
Mexico City, September 2023

Artwork by Jenna Moser



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