The Air Around Her by Ellen Fullman and Okkyung Lee

Ellen Fullman with her Long String Instrument and Okkyung Lee with her cello join forces together to create one and only soundtrack for deep listening exploration.
Both artists have rich bios with Ellen being quite academically inclined while native of South Korea Okkyung Lee's curriculum has been between different worlds, contingencies and genres.
With the installment of LSI for Ellen in a room of 26 metres and the idea of the concert while the renovation works still take place it is interesting how the two artists commute from this station to the point of mutual understanding.
The final outcome is an improvisation that transduces the feminine swirl of energy into the surf of celestial unobtainable fundament. The etheral magic of this material is a one-time event but how much there is to it we could only have felt being in-situ or just activating deep listening methodology to it.
It is as much about the feeling itself as much as about being present.


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