A little ep by Aume released as a DL and MC is a pretty nice example how a formula of a psychodelic post techno dub which has its luminaries such as Chain Reaction or Pole 
(Stefan Betke even mastered it ) is still going strong.
There is a bit of post rock sensitivity in here as well as strong dub ethos and a very clever way of creating soundscapes and background ambience in a non-glitchy way, away from a clichees of the genre.
It paces slow and all the instrumentals are pretty much driven by a bass and sub bass sounds - they revolve around it.
There is a poetic melancholy in this music which I am not sure is permitted in pretty cynical world of post-techno music - a world quite dystopian and demure but nevertheless soothing in some magical way - it happens to be present here all over the place.
As much as bass is important here - the sounds of delay and echo reverb are equally important. it pauses and comes back adding to the rhythmicality of the material.
I would look forward to some more material and with the background of the musicians ( Dynasonic, Blimp, Innercity Ensemble) you would and maybe should expect a bit more dub savagery. Who knows what can drag these cats out of their retirement?

Produced, performed & recorded by AUME:
Adam Sołtysik / Radek Dziubek / Adam Korabiewski

Side A mixed by Jessica Rosińska at Where is the Studio,
mastered by Stefan Betke at Scape Mastering, Berlin
Side B mixed by The Norman Conquest, mastered by Jessica Rosińska at Where is the Studio

Photos by Radek Dziubek
Designed by Piotr Dubiel
Typesetting: Moonmadness
released May 15, 2024


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