Segnali by Euro Herc


Euro Herc cassette released on TSSS tapes from Perugia brings an interesting collage of improvised sounds made up of tape manipulations, clock mechanisms (?), some little electronics, objects.
In all this it brings some sort of different narrative towards how various every day use objects can be used in creating a series of micro collages and develop a surreal atmosphere of fun and weirdness but at the same time on a much serious note and towards modern composition out of bits which are improvised and used together to create something that is working as one unit.
It's difficult to talk about this music without a context - be it - instruments and objects used or something else that has some reference - in this case a voiceover in Polish.
In all this depth - it has a balance between seriousness and playfulness that many experimental albums lack. On the other hand it genuinely stimulates the deep listening experience and the admiration of something that puts together various elements of the puzzle together.


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