M​Ó​Ð​IR- mortification by No Sides Records


Third album from this Brazilian maestro of moody death industrial vibes.

It is short 3" but it contains an ultimately deep tone of the sonic collages. A tableau of different emotive prompts, obsessions, spiritual forms of redemptions.

Mortification has the essence of other genres - such as ambient textures, trippy beats which sound very post-industrial - in Cabaret Voltaire style with all of its experimentalism and benevolent changes and swings and shifts of styles. But it has different - repetitive quality and elements to it that can easily distinguish from other projects that are in a similar style. There is a bit of field recorded processing here.

I would risk saying that this short ep is a bit of a spiritual mass where the author is trying to convey his pain - in a very ritualistic way.

 Bandcamp Link


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