Midnight Poems for Lost Seasons and Cripple Hearts by Fallen


Lorenzo Bracaloni a.k.a. Fallen is coming back with a new album released both on cd and a 10" vinyl record.
A set of  seven new tracks - an endearing collection of somewhat poetic and subtle compositions that can be used as a soundtrack for literally anything- from a background music for your sunny afternoon to a movie soundtrack.
As though the word ''ambient'' never came to being - Lorenzo creates a unique stasis of length, taste and taste in compositional manner, introducing himself as a skillful sound art designer but also a very able composer who can combine different elements together e.g. a bit of voice, subtle staccato in second track  ''Times are changing'' to make it quite a momentum.
In case of Fallen there are a few elements that are always there to keep you going: the balance between experimentalism and classical body of work, a master skill of dosing tension present in Lorenzo's music, a really impressive way of translating melancholy into music and one more important thing - making all those elements work and not overdoing with tracks' length.
It's not different from what is presented on this album. 
Bracaloni cultivates the best traditions of  cinematic ambiance, yet showing his great skill and anything that unique and intimate.


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