NIGHTMARE SPIRIT- Summer Sleep by No Sides Records


Mini-album from the dungeon synth project of Lexington, KY musician Josh Lay (CADAVER IN DRAG, GLASS COFFIN).

A very short and private study of some deep insights in the form of pretty theatrical ambient music.

But Josh's take on it - is very subtle, cinematic in his own way and foremostly demure. You can easily say that it is lo-fi and purposefully kept to the dot with this aesthetics - it's done his music a lot of goodness.

If you feel like a trip into innocence of bliss and dream - this is an album for you.

It makes it almost a within hands reach access - since it has a lot of elements that feel like the atmosphere  of 1980's movies - it personally reminds me of the soundtrack to Dario Argento's movie Phenomena.

a bit of  soft beauty, a nice gem where you feel that you know what to expect but it is not a quality that is negative in any way.

bandcamp link


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